Bethany Hess        Network 21 Missions
it's been a while since i much has happened since my last entry...
the spaghetti dinner was a success and a lot of fun! 
lukus and i went to ohio for a week to visit family and friends before we head out.  we were reminded of how beautiful 75 degree weather is:)!  we were able to stay with my mother & father-in-law. that was a blessing! seeing them and being around them is always so much fun! they are really great people!  my brother & sister-in-law has a bonfire friday we got to see all our old Bible study friends....i love seeing old friends, but it makes me miss them all so much!  i was reminded that i know some amazing people!  
while we were at my in-laws house, lukus and i went back to the barn to visit with the horses...
lukus convinced me to climb up on the barn roof with him...i am REALLY scared of heights...but he looked like he was having so much fun climbing up there, so i gave in and decided to live a little.  we climbed on to the roof.  
it was beautiful! it was a perfect, untainted view of the pasture and the woods behind it.  
it was so peaceful, so quiet, so worth the climb!  it kind of took me to a different place...

while in ohio, lukus &  i, 0nce again, experienced the generosity of His people!  
i know there are people in this world that do some pretty horrible things, but 
those are not the people we've been experiencing.  there are so many people  that do some pretty amazing things!
God is so good!  there are people making a dent in the horrible, that is increasingly becoming bigger!  i am so excited to be seeing that of His people!  

we depart in a little less than 2 weeks...i pray we are, and will contribute to the dent in the horrible!  
how?  love God, and love his people, meaning all people.

in case you are like me, and find it hard to get a hold of a book that keeps your attention, here are a few suggestions:
the Bible.
irresistible revolution by shane claiborne
Jesus for president by shane claiborne
blue like jazz by donald miller
myth of a christian nation  by gregory boyd (don't let the name turn you off!)
under the overpass
a few that have challenged me!

thanks everyone!

love, love 
- bethany


Jessica Trober
9/5/2009 09:27:52 am

You are such an inspiration to me! I pray God's best for you and Lukus on your missions trip!! This world needs more people like you two. Love you guys and you'll definitely be in my prayers!

9/15/2009 05:50:56 am

Bethany, God has called you for His purposes. You have yielded yourself and everything you have and are,to Him. He will meet you in incredible ways during this time. Continue to put your trust in Him. He is always faithful.

9/22/2009 12:11:20 am

Man its so good to hear about the trip ---- Oh wait!! I haven't!! HAHA


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