Bethany Hess        Network 21 Missions

i am a list person.  what does that mean?  i enjoy writing list.  i enjoy checking things off my list.  i enjoy starting yet, another list.  so in preparation for the changes ahead, i have been making many list.  some on paper. some in my head.   and in doing so, i have found myself incredibly overwhelmed and anxious.  
i guess today, lists are not my friend! 

my sister recently reminded me of a certain scripture.  
"the God of peace will soon crush satan under your feet." Romans 16:20
she then pointed out something very interesting...
it says, 'the God of peace will crush'...
it does not say, the God of wisdom, or the God of strength, or the God of almighty power.  it says the God of peace.

is that why it is so hard to be anxious for nothing?  or to not worry? to not look at the list of today and panic? 
because satan knows that the God of peace will crush him?  
'crush'.  not the friendliest of words that's for sure!

a lot needs to happen before we leave for the year. a lot of money needs to come in.  and many list will probably need to be made.
but, i(we) have the God of peace available if i allow Him to be that in my life.  
if i can ask, if anyone is reading this, will you be praying with me that i actively live this truth?  

*something you don't know...
this is my 2nd time writing this blog entry.  with only 2 or 3 sentences left in this entry, suddenly, it disappeared! poof, gone!  i thought that was not be anxious bethany!  yes, it is passed your bed time, but you can write it again: )


so the journey really has begun! we, with the help of many awesome people, pulled off a huge sale to start off the fundraising process.  it was a great success! thanks to chris for letting us use the white rhino parking lot, and the donations from too many to name, but thank you, and all those that came to support us!  it was so exciting/encouraging to experience people's generosity!  i really can't say thank you enough!  lukus and i know God will provide b/c we are certain he has directed us to do this trip, but when the people around you are excited as well, and so very supportive and loving, i just can't describe how precious that is. 

there is now talk of a spaghetti dinner, a sunday tea, and many other i'll keep you guys posted.

*also, if you would join us in prayer for ecaudor...that is the first place we will be going.

thanks all!  thanks for showing the love of Christ!  you're awesome! 


how to begin?

well, over the last few years, many things i believed in have been challenged... from what kind of toothpaste is best for my teeth---------to-------- what it  means to truly love someone.  i thought i knew how to live in God's love, but i found, i really didn't know much.  thankfully i have had the opportunity to learn in various ways. such as, working with the elderly in a nursing home, working in a coffee shop in small town Ohio, in a coffee house in suburbia, and with children.  many different people, many different opinions, many different personalities...and i am instructed to love them all the same.  it has challenged me, and i am so grateful for that!  sadly, i did not always succeed, but life goes on, and you stay focused on the ultimate love- Jesus... and then i see once again, what it means to love.