Bethany Hess        Network 21 Missions
if you know me at all, you know i enjoy shopping, i like clothes, shoes, accessories...
please don't jugde by the way i dress! ha! ha! 
lately, when getting dressed in the morning, i just haven't been able to find anything to wear that made me feel, you know, pretty or whatever. 
so, i have been wanting to go shopping...i know, it is  a bit excessive...i have clothes, but i really wanted to go shopping!  well, right now, there is no money for that : ).
before continuing this story, i have to give a bit more info...
here at the base, they have something called the "care closet". it is a space where people can take their unwanted clothing and/or get "new" clothing.  kind of like a community thrift store of sorts. 
so i went down a few days ago and found quite a few things! 
the last 4 outfits i have worn, have consisted of at least 1 piece from the care closet. 
all outfits being ones that i really liked, and felt good in. 
this all might sound funny or silly, but when i was getting dressed this morning, i was excited to wear my new shirt and shoes...
the same excitement that goes along with wearing a new outfit for the first time!  i realized, God had provided me with 4 new outfits all for free!  silly things like wanting to go shopping, He took care of!
i thought it was pretty cool! 

4/5/2010 01:31:09 am

God cares about the small stuff too! I have been telling people about you guys and referring them to your blog - so keep em comin'!! We miss you guys and wish we were there! But we know God knows what He is doing!
Take Care, Love Yall, Val


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